Whats your body type? RS Fitness

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Whats your body type?


Ectomorph Body Type

An ectomorph has the body type that is most often seen in the pages of fashion magazines. They are slim boned, long limbed, lithe and have very little body fat and little muscle.

Ectomorphs tend to have fragile, delicately built bodies and find it difficult to gain weight or add muscle. Supermodels, ballerinas and basketball players most commonly fall into this group.


  • Skinny
  • Small joints/ boned
  • Long arms and legs
  • Linear physique
  • Small shoulders
  • Lightly muscled
  • Small chest and buttocks
  • Low body fat (without exercising or following low calorie diets)
  • Can eat anything they like without weight gain
  • Fast and efficient metabolism
  • Difficulty gaining weight
  • Hyperactive
  • Difficulty in gaining muscle mass

Endomorphs Body Type

Endomorphs have a soft, curvy and round physique and display the opposite characteristics from ectomorphs. They have a sluggish metabolism, gain weight easily and have to work hard to lose body fat. Endomorphs often have a larger frame and tend to have wider hips than shoulders, creating a pear-shaped physique. Some of the sexiest and most beautiful singers and actresses are endomorphs. Similarly, many of the actors and action heroes on the silver screen are endomorphs.


  • Smooth, round body
  • Medium/ large joints/ bones
  • Small shoulders
  • Short limbs
  • High levels of body fat (may be overweight)
  • Body fat tends to settle in lower regions of body, mainly lower abdomen, butt, hips, and thighs (rather than being distributed evenly throughout body)
  • Pear-shaped physique
  • Can gain muscle easily, but tends to be underdeveloped
  • Difficult to keep lost body fat off
  • Lose weight slowly
  • Have to work hard to lose weight
  • Slow metabolic rate
  • Attacks of tiredness/ fatigue
  • Fall asleep easily

Mesomorphs Body Type

Mesomorphs could be thought of as the “genetically gifted”. They are characterized by an athletic, strong, compact and naturally lean body. They have excellent posture. Often, their shoulders are wider than their hips and women tend to have an hourglass figure. Mesomorphs are natural born athletes and tend to be lean and muscular without trying. They generally are described as being of “medium” build. The world’s leading tennis players, figure skaters and bodybuilders fall into this group.


  • Naturally lean
  • Naturally muscular
  • Naturally strong
  • Medium size joints/ bones
  • Wider at the shoulders than the hips – i.e. chest dominates over abdominal area
  • Broad/ square shoulders
  • Female mesomorph: defined hourglass figure
  • Male mesomorph: V or rectangular shape
  • Efficient metabolism
  • Gaining muscle is almost effortless
  • Losing fat is almost effortless
  • Responds quickly to exercise