UCLA — Blog RS Fitness

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Get fit faster. Hire a personal trainer.

A groundbreaking new study from UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine reveals that personal trainers can have a dramatic impact on fitness levels. Here’s how self-directed exercisers compared to those coached by personal trainers:

  •  Increased their lean body mass by 3.3 pounds, while self-trained group saw no change.
  •  Increased muscle strength by 42% vs. 19% in self-trained group.
  •  Increased muscle power by 10% vs. 0.1% in self-trained group.
  • Increased VO2 Max by 6% vs. a 3% decrease in self-trained group.

I have two jobs: freelance writer specializing in health and Pilates instructor. Pilates is taught on the mat in group classes and as a private, personal training

experience.  If you want to get the greatest return on your investment in time.  Do it one-on-one. If you want to avoid injuries, get inspired, and realize more of your own potential – hire an fitness expert to help you. Of course, you want someone that’s well qualified because sadly, a personal training and Pilates certification can be earned in a weekend. So look beyond certification acronyms. True pros earn the equivalent of a master’s degree and continue to earn education credits to maintain their credentials.

They should have some people skills as well as educational background. Don’t be shy, ask about their experience and their background. They too, should ask you some key questions.  To learn more about what to look for, what to ask, and what they should ask you click here

Anyone can bark out orders. I recently read about someone who felt ill, stupid and embarrassed after a session. Um, just no.  A professional will design a program that fits your needs, challenges you and also inspires you to believe in yourself.

When I first started in the fitness business more than 10 years ago, someone said to me, “personal trainers are just babysitters for people who don’t know how to work out.”

Oh yeah?  Tell that to professional athletes and Olympic champions who rely on their trainers for inspiration, motivation, and fitness know-how. And now those who have invested their hard earned cash into personal trainers can rest assured – with well qualified trainers – you will see better results.