weight loss

Benefits of Foam Rolling

Foam rolling improves blood circulations throughout your skin, fascia, muscles and even tendons and ligaments. It also lengthens short tight muscles, tendons and ligaments, some muscles and ligaments are prone to  shortening do to the demand we place on our body. Foam rollers are like self massages, you can apply pressure to areas on the the body that will help lengthen shortened tissues, by doing so you can prevent muscle imbalance that could lead to injury.


To ask questions, talk with trainer and/or to schedule an appointment, click box below.

Training & Massage Benefits

In a recent study, researchers put 11 young, healthy adults through a strenuous workout—the kind that’s almost too hard to finish. To see the effects of massage on muscles, they took muscle biopsies of both legs—before and after exercise, and after a Swedish-style massage. The massage was given right after the workout. The massage affected two specific genes in the muscle cells. The first gene decreases inflammation caused by exercise, similar to the relief you get from certain pain medications. The second gene turned up production of mitochondria in the muscles. These are the power houses of cells. They use oxygen and the broken down products of food to generate energy needed by the cells. As muscle cells become adapted to exercise, the number of mitochondria increases. Massage seems to help this process along. Other studies have shown that treatments for sore muscles—such as ice baths and anti-inflammatory medications—can reduce inflammation. These tend to block muscle repair and growth. Massage, however, appears to not only make you feel better, but also speed up muscle recovery. Researchers also found that the massage did not decrease the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, something often given as the reason for post-workout massages. Still, this research bumps massage up a notch, making it less awkward to limp up to the massage tables at the end of a big race.

Package Deal

Drink This!

This week my stomach has been a little weird so I decided to whip out my Vitamix and make a concoction. I had just bought some ginger root at the store and decided it was time to use it. I rushed to my fridge to search for what other immune-fighting superfoods I could find.


The picture below is the final result. Isn't it pretty :) 

(Looks a little Halloween-esque right?! I went a little cray at Sephora this week.)

(Looks a little Halloween-esque right?! I went a little cray at Sephora this week.)

ginger. You don't need to wait until the next time you have sushi to start incorporating ginger into your life. For thousands of years healers have used ginger not only as a food but as a healing medicine.

Ginger can work wonders for nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach. It is also a potent anti-inflammatory that boosts your immune system.  

carrots. carrots make make instantly think of Bugs Bunny ha! (I'm so mature) Carrots are named after the antioxidant nutrient they are rich in, called beta-carotene. This is just one of the many antioxidants found in carrots.

Studies have shown that eating carrots is amazing for your vision, and preventing heart disease and cancer. Their color makes smoothies a pretty orange color too :) 

apples. you know the old saying, "An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!" Did you know that there are over 7,000 different variations of apples? Whoa. New studies concentrating on the diversity of polyphenols found in apples continue to amaze scientists.

Apples are full on antioxidants and studies show that including them in your diet can help prevent heart disease, balance blood sugar, and prevent certain cancers.

raw honey. I live in Cincinnati (woot, woot!) and we have a wonderful market downtown called Findlay Market. It's been around forever. My Grandma and even Great-Grandfather were regulars to the market... and now I am! Anyways, they have tons of veggies and local foods. I found some delicious raw honey and knew I had to buy it and take it home right away.

Raw honey simply means that the honey has not been heated in anyway. Heating honey kills all the amazing nutrients and can make it harmful to your body. It's an extremely high-tech process, and is definitely not the same honey used a generation ago. 

Raw honey is anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial. It also includes beneficial phytonutrients known to prevent all sorts of diseases. Of course, moderation is key. 


small piece of ginger root 

1 carrot

1 apple 

1 cup filtered water

honey to taste

Blend it up in a high-speed blender. I love my Vitamix and I think the Ninja is a great choice too. 

*** I will say that this recipe has quite the bite to it because of the ginger. But I still thought that it was tasty and it made me feel amazing afterwards.

As we go into the colder seasons I know this is going to be one of my go-to recipes to prevent getting sick.

Also, I was looking at my calendar and the holiday parties are starting to roll in. From past years, I know that right now is the perfect time to reset and get on track. Can't wait for the holiday food. Thanksgiving is my fav! 

I have two questions for you my friends. 

#1 What is your favorite smoothie or juice to make when you're feeling a little off or want to prevent illness? 

#2 What are you doing to prepare for the holidays?

Let me know by replying to this email :)


Talk soon,

ENTfit & Beth Nutrition

Disclaimer: This information is not intended to replace a one on one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Beth Leah Nutrition LLC, its officers, affiliates, employees and Beth Krumbein encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. The entire contents of this document are based upon the opinions of Beth Krumbein, unless otherwise noted.

Get fit faster. Hire a personal trainer.

A groundbreaking new study from UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine reveals that personal trainers can have a dramatic impact on fitness levels. Here’s how self-directed exercisers compared to those coached by personal trainers:

  •  Increased their lean body mass by 3.3 pounds, while self-trained group saw no change.
  •  Increased muscle strength by 42% vs. 19% in self-trained group.
  •  Increased muscle power by 10% vs. 0.1% in self-trained group.
  • Increased VO2 Max by 6% vs. a 3% decrease in self-trained group.

I have two jobs: freelance writer specializing in health and Pilates instructor. Pilates is taught on the mat in group classes and as a private, personal training

experience.  If you want to get the greatest return on your investment in time.  Do it one-on-one. If you want to avoid injuries, get inspired, and realize more of your own potential – hire an fitness expert to help you. Of course, you want someone that’s well qualified because sadly, a personal training and Pilates certification can be earned in a weekend. So look beyond certification acronyms. True pros earn the equivalent of a master’s degree and continue to earn education credits to maintain their credentials.

They should have some people skills as well as educational background. Don’t be shy, ask about their experience and their background. They too, should ask you some key questions.  To learn more about what to look for, what to ask, and what they should ask you click here

Anyone can bark out orders. I recently read about someone who felt ill, stupid and embarrassed after a session. Um, just no.  A professional will design a program that fits your needs, challenges you and also inspires you to believe in yourself.

When I first started in the fitness business more than 10 years ago, someone said to me, “personal trainers are just babysitters for people who don’t know how to work out.”

Oh yeah?  Tell that to professional athletes and Olympic champions who rely on their trainers for inspiration, motivation, and fitness know-how. And now those who have invested their hard earned cash into personal trainers can rest assured – with well qualified trainers – you will see better results.