5 Tips To Get Fit & Toned Arms

Having well-toned arms make any sleeveless dress or tank top look even better.

Don't run away from lifting hard and heavy. Trust me: Your arms are not going to get shredded like men. Women don't produce enough testosterone to get ripped as a man would. Even the biggest guys know that building a lot of muscle takes time and hard to do.

Here are 5 workouts you can do to get those arms fit and tones:

  1. Straight arm lat pull downs
  2. Tricep cable pull downs
  3. Bicep curls
  4. Skull crushers with straight bar
  5. Lateral shoulder raise


5 Steps To Tone & Firm Your Legs & Butt

So you want firmer legs and butt? Here are 5 simple exercises I use with my personal clients to help them reach the same goals.

  1. Full squats - 20 reps
  2. Step ups - 15 each leg
  3. Stability ball hamstring curl - 15-20 reps
  4. Elevated leg squat - 10 reps each leg
  5. Reverse lunge - 10 reps each leg

Full squat

Step ups

Stability ball hamstring curl

Elevated leg squat

Reverse lunge

Understand Why Women Gain Belly Fat

As you age, you can't avoid gaining some belly fat and you won't be able to lose all of it, but you can minimize its appearance and its negative health effects with lifestyle and dietary interventions.

Starting at age 30, you begin to experience sarcopenia, which is the natural loss of muscle mass that naturally occurs with aging. The American Association of Retired Persons states that this loss is approximately a pound a year after 30 -- if you don't engage in strength training to preserve your muscle tissue. By 60 -- with no exercise -- you may have lost about 30 pounds of muscle mass, replacing the muscle mostly with fat. Fat is less efficient at burning calories than muscle is, which means that your body's resting metabolism also declines. So, even if you eat the same amount of food as you did when you were younger, you will likely gain weight. 

To prevent weight gain with your slowing metabolism, you need to reduce your daily caloric intake by about 100 calories every 10 years after age 40. So, at 60 or older, you should consume at least 200 fewer calories every day than when you were in your 30s.

5 Things You Can Do To Help With Fibromyalgia

People with FS usually experience daily pain, and due to this pain, they do not like to take part in physical activity. With this mindset, they are actually decreasing their quality of life.

5 Things To Help With Fibromyalgia

  1. Severely deconditioned individuals may need to start with 2-3 minutes workouts daily to from escalating post-exertion and fatigue.

  2. Static stretching is ideal for FS, best times are waking up in the morning, before going to bed, and periodically throughout the day.

  3. People with FS should not workout for more than 20-30, and can gradually build up to 30-40 workouts.

  4. Best workouts for FS are: Low to no impact movements, light weights, resistance bands and aquatics.

  5. When lifting, repetitions should stay around 8-12. Repetitive movements can cause more pain.

It is important to do exercises that build and maintain good posture. When working out keep good form, to insure quality of life and to be able to do daily activities minimal to no pain. 

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