Meal Planning With RS Fitness

Here are my top three tenets when it comes to my coaching philosophy.

(Note: This is a tad long but I REALLY want to make sure we are a great match so you can decide if you want to continue following me or not. You’ll also probably have AT LEAST one “aha” moment…)

Tenant #1: Your environment is EVERYTHING!

Most of us just walk around everyday unaware of what is triggering our eating behavior. A lot of us feel totally out of control when it comes to eating…

… and we don’t really know why.


60%+ of our day is done automatically through subconscious habits. 

My first challenge to you is to figure out what in your environment is influencing your eating behavior. This can be anything from your co-workers to the size of your plate.

For example, how’s your fridge lookin’ these days?

My fridge used to be an unorganized mess of takeout food and semi-spoiling vegetables that I forgot about until it got gross and moldy. 

Studies prove that we are 3x more likely to eat the first thing we see than the fifth. We are 70% more likely to eat sweets in a clear container than in an opaque one. 

I started washing and chopping all my fruits and veggies and putting them in a clear container in the middle of the fridge. I put indulgences in the crisper drawers away from plain sight. 

This had a huge effect on my life! 

Now sit down and figure out what in your environment is influencing your eating habits. It might be as simple as strategically organizing your fridge or never eating out of the container. 

I believe in identifying small tweaks and simple adjustments to your environment that can set you up for inevitable success!

Tenant #1: Psychological hacks for a BALANCED life. 

Diets suck! I feel like I’ve literally been on 15 diets in the last 10 years. It’s ridiculous. But finally I have broken away from the crash diets to making healthy eating part of my lifestyle. 

I know, I know—“Losing weight is not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle.” 

What does this even mean though? How do you actually make healthy eating part of your lifestyle?

After all, who wants to live a life that doesn’t involve brownies, champagne, and pizza. I know I don’t, and I’m sure you don’t either!

For most people when they first attempt the whole “healthy lifestyle” thing, it turns into a constant sacrifice that leaves you saying “f#ck it!” 

The last thing you know, after a day of bland salads, you find yourself scraping the last drip of ice cream out of the Ben & Jerry’s pint you were hiding in the back of your freezer.

Why do we always struggle to stick to a healthy lifestyle, no matter how hard we try? 

It’s because most of us are just playing the game wrong and making some major mistakes.

For example, have you ever FORBIDDEN a certain food, and then it’s literally the only thing you can think about?

Psychologists call this ironic rebound. The very thing that we are trying to suppress rebounds with more power and authority.

Balance is absolutely possible. I love this new field of science that is focused on the psychology of eating. I teach science-based mind hacks that turn healthy eating into a lifestyle.

Tenant #3: Mindfulness is not just for yogis! 

I think we’ve heard too many times that meditation is good for you. 

I’m sure if you’re anything like me, the first time you attempted to meditate you quit after about 5 seconds.

I started to become interested in different mindfulness techniques when I heard all these CEOs were really into it and it had improved their performance. If it works for them, might as well try it for eating healthy—heck!  

I teach what I like to call practical mindfulness.

Did you know that…

1. Taking deep breaths for a minute can significantly reduce cravings and strengthen willpower

2. Meditation is by far the fastest way to develop the “pause and plan” part of you brain that allows you to resist temptation and stop procrastinating.

Mindfulness practices are a MUST when it comes to sticking to a healthy lifestyle.


I am a firm believer that if you can develop the skills it takes to change you mindset when it comes to eating, the benefits are guaranteed to have a positive effect on other parts of your life. 

For example, now that I eat healthy on a consistent basis, I have more energy when I hang out with friends, and my focus is through the roof when I work, compared with a few years ago.  

I know you are a hard worker, and you want time to unwind too. You want to eat at your favorite restaurants and go out with your friends. You just can’t figure out a way to balance everything. 

I will teach you how to dive deep into your environment, psychology, and mindfulness practices to identify what is holding you back, so you can stop wasting your precious time starting over and over again.

I hope you resonate with my 3 main tenents. Once you have these three areas down, everything falls into place. 


To get started, check out plans below. 

Benefits of Foam Rolling

Foam rolling improves blood circulations throughout your skin, fascia, muscles and even tendons and ligaments. It also lengthens short tight muscles, tendons and ligaments, some muscles and ligaments are prone to  shortening do to the demand we place on our body. Foam rollers are like self massages, you can apply pressure to areas on the the body that will help lengthen shortened tissues, by doing so you can prevent muscle imbalance that could lead to injury.

8 Week Weight Loss Program

Customized workouts are available. Email trainer for details. 

Customized workouts are available. Email trainer for details. 

Are you ready to start your new fitness journey with hard work and push beyond limits you always dreamed of? Try RS Fitness 8 week weight loss online training program designed for weight loss and toning. 

RS Fitness has worked with professional NFL athletes and celebrities through JLT, a few JLT clients are: Odell Beckham Jr., Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs, Marshawn Lynch, Reggie Bush, David Blaine. RS Fitness would love to get you in the best shape through innovative training programs and motivating you to new limits. 

RS Fitness has put together an 8-week weight loss online training program to help you reach your fitness goals and maximize your time in the gym. During this 8 week program, you can train like an athlete and while getting in great shape. This program will help improve flexibility, body fat, muscle strength and overall body composition while enhancing body mechanics. Your energy levels will increase while mood and self-confidence rise. 

Workouts should take 60-90 minutes to complete, that includes the warm up and cool down. Most exercises can be found on YouTube, just type "rSheltonFit and exercise name."

Customized and pre-made meal plans are also available. 



  • 3-7 minute Warm-up
  • 10-15 minute dynamic warm-up
  • 45-minute workout
  • 3-5 minute finisher 
  • 5-10 minute cooldown


Program one is an 8-week training program that consists of warm ups, cool downs, Olympic lifts, weight training, med ball exercises, as wells as some outdoor running workouts.

If you like this post or know someone would would please like & share. 

6 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

holiday weight gain


Be Active With Family and Friends

Sedentary activities, such as sitting on the couch watching sports, are common holiday traditions for many families.

Inactivity may contribute to weight gain, especially when lounging around is accompanied by eating excessive amounts of food.

Doing some type of physical activity while on holiday with your family may prove to be beneficial for weight control.

An activity as simple as a family walk can provide benefits, as it will get your mind off food and allow you to bond with your loved ones.

You can also be active during the holidays by signing up for a workplace or community fitness competition or event. Running races are popular options.


Choose Desserts Wisely and Savor Them

Dessert is everywhere during the holiday season. This often leads to excessive sugar consumption, a common cause of weight gain.

Instead of eating every treat in sight, it can be helpful to focus on your favorites. Eat the ones you really want and ditch the rest.

Another trick is to savor the desserts you do indulge in, which may leave you feeling more satisfied and less likely to overdo dessert.

To savor desserts, eat them slowly and mindfully so you can really taste and enjoy them.


Limit Liquid Calories

The holidays are a time of year when alcohol, soda and other sweetened beverages seem to be unlimited.

These beverages can contribute a significant amount of sugar and empty calories to your diet, which can cause weight gain.

Additionally, alcohol consumption is often linked to increased appetite and is a risk factor for weight gain.

If you're trying to control your weight, it is best to limit liquid calories during the holidays — and all year long, for that matter.


Use a Smaller Plate

Dinner parties and potlucks are common occasions during the holiday season.

While people often think of these as diet disasters, they don't have to be if you eat from a smaller plate.

This is based on the fact that people tend to consume larger portions off of large plates, which may lead to overeating.

By using the simple trick of choosing a smaller plate, you can control portions and therefore reduce the likelihood of holiday weight gain.


Use the Buddy System

Many people report success with their weight goals when they have a partner to pursue them with.

Finding a health buddy who has similar weight goals may be useful over the holidays, as this person can keep you motivated and accountable.

Reach out to friends, family and co-workers to find someone willing to partner with you in your effort to prevent weight gain.


Avoid Processed Foods

The hectic holiday season has led to the increased availability of processed holiday convenience foods, such as boxed mashed potatoes and stuffing.

While these may be quick and easy, they often contain excess sugar and unhealthy fats that are not good for weight control.

To prevent weight gain, opt for whole foods this holiday season. Focus on making meals and baked goods from scratch instead of a box.

That way, you can control what goes in your food and stay on top of your weight.